Beta 11.19 of C#/XAML for HTML5 released (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

JS-Support @Userware
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Beta 11.19 of C#/XAML for HTML5 released (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:13 am

Dear users,

We are pleased to inform you that the Beta 11.19 of C#/XAML for HTML5 - the extension for Visual Studio that lets you build cross-platform HTML5 apps in standard C# and XAML - is available for download!

UPDATED: BETA 11.19 RELEASE 3 - this is supposed to fix the VS 2017 errors:

Please make sure that VS 2017 is not running when you do the installation.

Learn More about C#/XAML for HTML5.

Here is what's new (since Beta 11.18):
  • Visual Studio 2017 support! (please report any VS 2017 compatibility issues asap)
  • Support for Tuple<> (previously only Tuple2<> was supported)
  • Added the overloads: String.Equals(string, StringComparison), String.Equals(string, string), and String.Equals(string, string, StringComparison)
  • Item templates now also appear in parent folders
  • Fixed a recent regression that caused the ScrollViewer to be broken in some situations
  • Fixed a recent regression about Grid RowSpan/ColumnSpan in the Simulator
  • Fixed the JavaScript error: "3 candidate(s) for method invocation SetException"
  • Fixed an issue that caused an exception when trying to call XNode.ToString() in the Simulator
  • Fixed issue where typing on a TextBox in Internet Explorer did not raise the TextChanged event, and bindings were not updated (it worked only on LostFocus)
  • Worked around the issue where resizing the FireFox window could cause the UI of the app to disappear

We are also working on many other features and we will release them as soon as they are ready.

You may also be interested to read:

Notes about installation:
  • Before installing this update, it is recommended that you close all the open instances of Visual Studio.
  • If for some reason you need to revert to the previous Beta, simply uninstall this one (from the Control Panel) and reinstall the previous Beta.

We hope you will enjoy this build! If you find any issues, please post them on the forums or send an email to

Thank you.

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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Nick » Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:10 pm

Visual Studio 2015 Instaled with all updates
Visual Studio 2017 Installed with all updates (latest update 2015.4)
Windows 10 Pro with all updates

CsHtml5 11.18 Installed on Visual Studio 2015 (Solution/code work also on Visual Studio 2017)

New msi instal:
Previously version of CsHtml5 11.18 uninstalled by msi
at ~85% progress an error occure (see image)
On windows logs Events no errors are logged
CsHtml5.png (191.5 KiB) Viewed 42736 times

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:22 am

Thank you for reporting this issue.

We have just patched the installer and updated the download link of the first post.

The new installer file is called "RELEASE 2", and it contains a fix to this issue.

Please make sure that VS 2017 is not running when you do the installation.

Can you please let me know if "RELEASE 2" fixes your issue?

If you still encounter any issues, please launch the installer in VERBOSE mode by following these steps:
1. Run the command prompt
2. Go to the folder where the MSI installer is located
3. Execute the following command:

Code: Select all

msiexec /i "CSharpXamlForHtml5_v1_0_public_beta11_19_RELEASE_2.msi" VERBOSE=true

When running in VERBOSE mode, you should see the details of the installation and interact with it. First you should get an error that says that the extension was not found, but then you should be able to continue and finish the installation successfully. If not, please let me know the content of the error messages, as well as what it written on the main installer window when the error is visible.

Thank you very much.

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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Nick » Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:51 am

Error persist
CsHtml5.png (1.6 MiB) Viewed 42703 times
CsHtml5.png (745.84 KiB) Viewed 42703 times

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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Nick » Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:53 am

the error from log file: (log file is to big to be attached)

9/15/2017 5:38:00 PM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.PackageFailureException: Package 'SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.Unity.Msi' failed to install
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.InstallOperation.Run(CancellationToken token)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.RunOperation(InstallOperation installOperation, CancellationToken token, ExecuteAction action, ITelemetryOperation telemetryOperation)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.RunCoreOperation(InstallOperation coreOperation, ExecuteAction action, ITelemetryOperation telemetryOperation, CancellationToken token)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.Install(Product product, String destination, CancellationToken token)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.PerformSetupEngineUnInstall(IInstalledExtension extension, Boolean downgrade)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.UninstallInternal(IInstalledExtension extension, Boolean forceDelete, Version targetedVSVersion, Boolean downgrade)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.Uninstall(IInstalledExtension extension, Version targetedVSVersion)
at VSIXInstaller.InstallProgressPage.UninstallVsix(String vsixId, SupportedVSSKU targetSku, IProgress`1 progress)

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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Nick » Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:03 am

find a way to put the log file
see attached file for details
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JS-Support @Userware
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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:30 am

Nick wrote:Error persist

Can you please try to install the following VSIX file manually by double-clicking on it?
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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Nick » Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:58 am

After the failure of 11.19 I have reinstalled 11.18. (That mean that cshtml code work on VS 2017 with out any new component only template CsHtml5 are missing)
So when I run the vsx file next error occure (see image)
My oppinion, from VS 2015 I think that all vsx core are common for the VS IDE's (>=2015), only destination for the templates are different and that because my code work OK in VS 2017 with out any vsx installed for it.
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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Nick » Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:08 am

After the message that the extension is installed on all products I verify VS 2017 for CsHtml5 file template in the New menu section, Yes is missing, For me that is a comfirmation that the extension is installed (verrified by running an solution cshtml5 created with VS2015 in VS2017).
My point of view: The extension is installed, but the template files/group for CsHtml5 are missing,
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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Nick » Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:16 am

because 11.19 fail to install, I revert to 11.18,
In Vs 2017 I open the project created with 2015, and work OK, with file templetes for CsHtml5 missing from New menu
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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Nick » Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:18 am

because 11.19 fail to install, I revert to 11.18,
In Vs 2017 I open the project created with 2015, and work OK, with file templetes for CsHtml5 missing from New menu
test (see image)
CsHtml5.png (147.97 KiB) Viewed 42685 times

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:19 am

Nick wrote:In Vs 2017 I open the project created with 2015, and work OK, with file templetes for CsHtml5 missing from New menu

Thank you. You are probably missing also the XAML Preview when editing XAML files, as well as other features such as the Silverlight Migration Wizard in the Tools menu.
A new build should be ready very soon. Thanks a lot for your quick and useful feedback.

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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Nick » Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:25 am

Glade to help you ;)

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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:53 am


We have just updated the link in the original post to point to the new RELEASE 3.

This time it should work properly. We resorted to changing the installer so that it starts the installation of the VSIX only after the wizard has finished. This is due to the fact that an MSI cannot launch another MSI concurrently, and the new extensibility system of VS 2017 requires to launch some MSI files during the installation of a VSIX extension for VS 2017.

Please let me know if you still encounter any issues with the installation of the RELEASE 3.

Thank you.


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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Nick » Fri Sep 15, 2017 9:29 am

The installer works.
PS, also work in VS 2013 (installer validate only)
if you execute the vsix in hiden mode then will be OK.
The {CS HTML for HTML5/Templates files} Group from File and Migration tool from Tools are there

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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:45 am

Great. Thanks!

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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Bahram » Sat Sep 16, 2017 6:14 am

Is it just for me or Storyboard completed does not work anymore for anyone!?!?!

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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby TaterJuice » Sat Sep 16, 2017 12:31 pm

Bahram wrote:Is it just for me or Storyboard completed does not work anymore for anyone!?!?!

Has never fired for me. I use DoubleAnimation.Completed, and I reported the StoryBoard.Completed bug here:

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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby Bahram » Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:43 pm

TaterJuice wrote:
Bahram wrote:Is it just for me or Storyboard completed does not work anymore for anyone!?!?!

Has never fired for me. I use DoubleAnimation.Completed, and I reported the StoryBoard.Completed bug here:

It worked in beta 11.4. I've tried it myself before!

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: New Beta 11.19 released! [Download] (VS 2017 support! + Tuple<>)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:26 am

Bahram wrote:[It worked in beta 11.4. I've tried it myself before!

Thanks. We are going to look into the Storyboard.Completed event issue.


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