Interesting framework, wrong business model

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Interesting framework, wrong business model

Postby SuperJMN » Sun May 21, 2017 5:26 am

Hello, dear friends of CSHTML5.

I completely support you initiative as a concept, but it seems its pricing options are a complete mistake. With the prices you offer this product won’t be used by more than a few companies that are stuck porting old XAML apps (less and less apps, mostly legacy applications) and a few ones that are adventurous enough to try it because they don’t want to hire web developers.

Given that nowadays it’s quite easy to develop a nice looking web UI with lots of controls, automation and features with frameworks like AngularJs or ReactJs, how do you intend to attract people if you close the sources and try to charge hundreds of dollars a month to whom want to have a functional version of your creation? (because the complete version is already restrictive in terms of usability, since it’s still not mature and also supports ½ of the features of real XAML apps (not to say WPF…)

I hope you have something more to say to the community than a public roadmap and a list of expensive purchase options.

Think about it: Xamarin is free and its future looks brighter than never. Why don’t you talk to MS? They are quite open to expand their C#/XAML technologies to the web. Just saying…

Best regards.

José Manuel Nieto (

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