"Type Expected" error in my Reference.g.cs files

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"Type Expected" error in my Reference.g.cs files

Postby rontyars » Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:43 pm

I am attempting to migration my Silverlight projects to CSHTML5. In one of my projects where I have 25 service references ("connected services"), I am getting a "Type Expected" error in all of my generated Reference.g.cs files because these files are automatically generated with missing types. For example, the following is the body one of the methods in one of the Reference.g.cs files

Code: Select all

 return System.ServiceModel.INTERNAL_WebMethodsCaller.CallWebMethodAsync
                <bool, >(this, "LinkOrderWithDocumentAsync", new global::System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, global::System.Tuple<global::System.Type, object>>() {{"documentdetail", new global::System.Tuple<global::System.Type, object>(typeof(VHW.Client.Silverlight.SOAP.Tools.ActiveOrderServiceReference.DocumentDetails), documentdetail)} , {"siteGuid", new global::System.Tuple<global::System.Type, object>(typeof(System.Guid), siteGuid)} , {"networkAccessPointID", new global::System.Tuple<global::System.Type, object>(typeof(string), networkAccessPointID)} });

Notice the missing type in the CallWebMethodAsync generic. This is happening in every single method call in every single Reference.g.cs file generated (over 1200 compile errors). This issue has me stopped dead in my tracks. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
TypeExpectedError2.png (39.88 KiB) Viewed 50330 times
TypeExpectedError.png (108.55 KiB) Viewed 50330 times

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