v1.2.3 released (VS 2019 Support)

JS-Support @Userware
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v1.2.3 released (VS 2019 Support)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:44 am

Dear CSHTML5 users,

We are pleased to inform you that the version 1.2.3 of C#/XAML for HTML5 - the extension for Visual Studio that lets you build cross-platform HTML5 apps in standard C# and XAML - is available for download!

DOWNLOAD (updated again on July 4, 2019: the link now points to v1.2.3 Release 2b, with a fix to installation on VS 2017-2019: please uninstall the previous one if you have troubles installing this version):
(61.3 MiB) Downloaded 1352 times

Learn More about C#/XAML for HTML5.

What's new since version 1.2.0?

  • Added support for Visual Studio 2019
  • Added support for "TransformGroup"
  • Added support for "DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames" (previously, only "DoubleAnimation" was supported)
  • Improve the DataGrid so that single-clicking a cell immediately enters Edit Mode (and added the property "EnableTwoStepsEditMode" option to revert to the previous behavior, which was closer to the Silverlight DataGrid behavior)
  • Added the option "ValidatesOnLoad" (at the binding level) to make the validation hints appear immediately, even before the end-user clicks "Save". Here is an example of use:
    <TextBox Text="{BindingPath=Email, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnExceptions=true, NotifyOnValidationError=true, ValidatesOnLoad=true}" />
  • Changed some modifiers from "internal" to "public" to make it easier to extend CSHTML5 from other assemblies
  • Fixed an issue that caused rectangles in a canvas to not be properly vertically aligned
  • Fixed an issue that prevented loading resource files (images, etc.) when the name of a folder contained spaces or other special characters
  • Fixed "Hyperlink.TargetName" when a relative URI was passed as an argument
  • Added support for single quotes in markup extensions (example: {ConverterParameter='this is a string inside single quotes'})
  • Fixed an issue with a templated TextBox when removed and readded to the visual tree multiple times
  • Improved compilation time of projects with large WCF references
  • Added support for reading ".clientconfig" files via Application.GetResourceStream(...) and fixed the "mime type" of ".config" and ".clientconfig" files.
  • Added support for templating the RadioButton and the PasswordBox
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the "disabled" visual state to not be applied until hovering with the pointer
  • Fixed exception related to the "TextDecorations" property
  • Fixed the "mime type" of JSON files read via Application.GetResourceStream
  • Fixed regression that caused the "TextBox.PlaceholderText" property to not be available
  • Fixed regression that broke the XAML Inspector in the Simulator
  • Added "Image.INTERNAL_DomImageElement" to access to the DOM <img> HTML element that is generated by the XAML <Image> control to render the image
  • Added the properties "XNamespace.Xmlns" and "XNamespace.Xml"
  • Fixed support for ColumnDefinition.MinWidth and RowDefinition.MinHeight (for the <Grid> control)
  • Added the methods "INTERNAL_DispatcherHelpers.QueueAction" and "INTERNAL_DispatcherQueueHandler.QueueActionIfQueueIsEmpty"
  • Fix an issue where if a string in a ResX file was not found, it would throw an exception rather than returning the key of the resource
  • DataContractSerializer no longer generates random local prefixes, so that two subsequent calls to the "SerializeToString" method now produce the exact same result
  • Added support for relative URIs when programmatically setting the "Source" property of an <Image> or a <MediaElement> control
  • Improved the DataGrid so that, when editing a cell, the TextBox has the focus and the text is automatically selected (for faster editing)
  • Added "XObject" base class for XNodes and XAttributes
  • Added an option to omit the XML declaration (ie. the XML header) when serializing using the DataContractSerializer
  • Fixed an issue during deserialization with the DataContractSerializer, which happens when a member is marked as "Required" but it is "Nil" in the XML
  • Fixed an issue during serialization with the DataContractSerializer, which resulted in the wrong order of the properties if a property was defined both in a base class ("virtual") and in a derived class ("override")
  • Fix an issue with the serialization via the DataContractSerializer where directly serializing an Enum (ie. when the enum is the root of the object being serialized)
  • Fixed an issue where images and other resource files sometimes could not be found if they contained uppercase characters

You may also be interested to read:

Notes about installation:
  • Before installing this update, it is recommended that you close all the open instances of Visual Studio.
  • If for some reason you need to revert to a previous version, simply uninstall this one (from the Control Panel) and reinstall the previous version.

We hope you will enjoy this build! If you find any issues, please post them on the forums or send an email to support@cshtml5.com

Thank you.

JS-Support @Userware
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Posts: 1142
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Re: v1.2.3 released! (VS 2019 Support) [UPDATED]

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:09 am

UPDATED: The link in the previous post has just been updated to point to v1.2.3 "Release 2", which fixes a regressions that caused the "Silverlight Migration" projects to not compile.

JS-Support @Userware
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Posts: 1142
Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:42 pm

Re: v1.2.3 released! (VS 2019 Support) [UPDATED x2]

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:36 am

UPDATED x2: Updated again today to fix an issue with the installation on VS 2017-2019. Please uninstall the previous one if you have troubles installing this version. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Posts: 84
Joined: Tue May 30, 2017 9:44 am

Re: v1.2.3 released! (VS 2019 Support) [UPDATED x2]

Postby Nick » Fri Jul 05, 2019 11:41 pm

Can explain differences/way are two versions? 1.2.3 2b vs 2.0 v0.5

JS-Support @Userware
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Posts: 1142
Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:42 pm

Re: v1.2.3 released! (VS 2019 Support) [UPDATED x2]

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Thu Jul 11, 2019 3:35 am

Nick wrote:Can explain differences/way are two versions? 1.2.3 2b vs 2.0 v0.5

The latest v1.x is the same as the latest v2.x in terms of supported C# and XAML features, but v2.x is based on the underlying technology Bridge.NET while v1.x is based on the underlying technology JSIL. To see the benefits of the v2.x version over v1.x, please refer to this page:

Posts: 41
Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:33 am

Re: v1.2.3 released! (VS 2019 Support) [UPDATED x2]

Postby MichaelHughes » Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:59 am

Can I ask eta for v 1.2.4 please


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