We are pleased to inform you that a SignalR extension for "C#/XAML for HTML5" (aka CSHTML5) is now available for download!
This means that you can now write SignalR C# code, and it gets compiled into SignalR JavaScript code! In other words, your C# calls to SignalR are automatically redirected to the underlying JavaScript-based SignalR library, so you can write code in pure C# and run your application in the browser!
This was a highly requested feature on UserVoice, with as many as 57 votes.
For those who don't know SignalR, it is a powerful client/server communication technology that has many distinguishing features, including the ability for the server to push data to the client - via web sockets - to update data in real-time.
From GitHub: https://github.com/cshtml5/CSHTML5.Extensions.SignalR
GETTING STARTED - Running the sample client/server chat application:
To run the sample client/server chat application, please follow these instructions:
(First of all, make sure that you have the latest version of C#/XAML for HTML5 installed)
1. Go to the GitHub repository at the following URL:
2. Click the green button "Clone or Download", then "Download ZIP"
3. Extract the downloaded file into a folder on your disk.
4. Open the solution by double-clicking the file "CSHTML5.Extensions.SignalR.sln"
5. Start the server by right-clicking on the project named "CSHTML5.Extensions.SignalR.Server.Example", and clicking Debug -> "Start new instance".
6. Start the client by right-clicking on the project named "CSHTML5.Extensions.SignalR.Client.Example", and clicking Debug -> "Start new instance".
7. If you get a message that says that you need the "Professional Edition", click "Start the free 60-day trial", and then repeat the Step 6.
8. The "Simulator" window should appear. A message should tell you that the application cannot be run in the Simulator. Wait a few seconds for the generation of the JS/HTML files to complete, and then click the green button "Run in browser".
9. The browser should open with a sample chat application. You can write messages and receive them.
Related Topics
- Description of the structure of the Visual Studio project that you download from GitHub
- How to create a SignalR server-side project?
- How to update the SignalR JavaScript library to the latest version?
We hope you will enjoy this extension. This project is released as open-source. Please feel free to contribute to it, and to post your feedback on this forum or by contacting us.