v1.1.0 (rtw) released (Custom Splash-Screen, Fixed Edge Crash)

JS-Support @Userware
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v1.1.0 (rtw) released (Custom Splash-Screen, Fixed Edge Crash)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Fri Apr 13, 2018 6:15 am

Dear CSHTML5 users,

We are pleased to inform you that the version 1.1.0 (rtw) of C#/XAML for HTML5 - the extension for Visual Studio that lets you build cross-platform HTML5 apps in standard C# and XAML - is available for download!

UPDATE: Download link was removed because the newer v1.1.1 has been released with a hotfix.

Here is what's new (since v1.1 Beta 1):

  • Ability to display a Custom Splash-Screen Image while your app is loading (a tutorial can be found here)
  • Fixed crashes on Edge
  • Label control
  • HtmlWindow.Eval
  • HttpUtility.UrlEncode and UrlDecode[/b]
  • Uri.Host, Uri.Port, Uri.Scheme
  • HtmlDocument.QueryString
  • System.Windows.Interactivity.Behavior and BehaviorCollection
  • System.Windows.Deployment.Current
  • Dispatcher.CheckAccess
  • System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.IsInDesignMode and IsInDesignTool
  • Fixed an exception when removing and re-adding a ComboBox in the Visual Tree
  • Fixed an issue that prevented binding a property which itself was of type Binding

We are also working on many other features and we will release them as soon as they are ready.

You may also be interested to read:

Notes about installation:
  • Before installing this update, it is recommended that you close all the open instances of Visual Studio.
  • If for some reason you need to revert to a previous version, simply uninstall this one (from the Control Panel) and reinstall the previous version.

We hope you will enjoy this build! If you find any issues, please post them on the forums or send an email to support@cshtml5.com

Thank you.
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Re: v1.1 rtw released! [Download] (Custom Splash-Screen, Fixed Edge Crash)

Postby TaterJuice » Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:11 am

I cannot build my existing projects with this release.

Error C#/XAML for HTML5: XamlPreprocessor (pass 2) failed: Type not found: "UIElement" in namespace: "MyProject.Controls". Note: the XAML editor sometimes raises errors that are misleading. To see only real non-misleading errors, make sure to close all the XAML editor windows/tabs before compiling.

I have closed all XAML windows, cleaned my solution, exited Visual Studio and deleted \bin and \obj folders, but the issue persists.

This happens on every XAML control that references namespaces within my project

Code: Select all

    <control:DatePicker  />

I have no classes called "UIElement" anywhere in my code. DatePicker inherits from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.UserControl

Code: Select all

public class DatePicker : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.UserControl
    { ... }

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: v1.1 rtw released! [Download] (Custom Splash-Screen, Fixed Edge Crash)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Fri Apr 13, 2018 11:54 am

TaterJuice wrote:I cannot build my existing projects with this release.

Thanks for reporting this issue. We are going to inquire and keep you updated asap.

EDIT: We haven't been able to reproduce this issue yet. If you find a way to reproduce it in a new separate project that you can send to us, it would really help. Otherwise we are going to keep doing more tests. Thanks a lot.

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Re: v1.1 rtw released! [Download] (Custom Splash-Screen, Fixed Edge Crash)

Postby TaterJuice » Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:50 pm

JS-Support @Userware wrote:
TaterJuice wrote:I cannot build my existing projects with this release.

Thanks for reporting this issue. We are going to inquire and keep you updated asap.

EDIT: We haven't been able to reproduce this issue yet. If you find a way to reproduce it in a new separate project that you can send to us, it would really help. Otherwise we are going to keep doing more tests. Thanks a lot.

This error is almost exactly the same, but instead of "UIElement", it has "Control". I was able to produce it in this sample project:
@Js-Support: Please check your private messages for a link to a Sample project with the error

C#/XAML for HTML5: XamlPreprocessor (pass 2) failed: Type not found: "Control" in namespace: "Meridian.Controls". Note: the XAML editor sometimes raises errors that are misleading. To see only real non-misleading errors, make sure to close all the XAML editor windows/tabs before compiling. Meridian.CSHTML5 {path hidden} 22

Lines 22-30 look like this:

Code: Select all

            Foreground="{Binding Source={StaticResource Primary}}"
            SegmentColor="{Binding Source={StaticResource Primary}}"
            Progress="{Binding Progress, Mode=OneWay}" />

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Re: v1.1 released [ISSUE REPORTED - please wait] [Download] (Custom Splash-Screen, Fixed Edge Crash)

Postby joaofig » Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:03 am

Same symptoms here!

JS-Support @Userware
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Posts: 1142
Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:42 pm

Re: v1.1 released [ISSUE REPORTED - please wait] [Download] (Custom Splash-Screen, Fixed Edge Crash)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:10 am

Thanks @TaterJuice for sending the project, it has helped to reproduce and fix the issue.

The issue is now fixed in version 1.1.1.


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