We are pleased to inform you that the Beta 12.6 of C#/XAML for HTML5 - the extension for Visual Studio that lets you build cross-platform HTML5 apps in standard C# and XAML - is available for download!
Learn More about C#/XAML for HTML5.
Here is what's new (since Beta 12.5):
This build contains many bug fixes. Please report any outstanding issues to support@cshtml5.com
- Added "BitmapSource.SetSource(string dataUrl)" to load a bitmap from a "DataURL". This is particularly useful when used in conjunction with the FileOpenDialog extension which now also supports loading images as DataURL
- Fixed the new WCF stack when the TimeZone was negative
- The DataContractSerializer now correctly ignores properties that are not in the XML being deserialized
- Ability to change DataGrid.SelectionMode on the fly
- DataGridCells now correctly limit the display size of their content
- TextBlock text no longer overflows outside of the TextBlock
- Fixed Enum.TryParse
- Fixed DataGrid left margin when SelectionMode==DataGridSelectionMode.Single
- Fixed the Setter of Selector.SelectedValue (for example ComboBox.SelectedValue)
- Fixed PasswordBox.Password property binding and PasswordChanged event.
- Fixed implementation of GetHashCode and Equals for Tuple<...>
- Fixed multiple issues related to ArcSegment
- Fixed ToolTip issue where replacing a tooltip with another did not refresh the open tooltip
- Fixed an issue where the TabControl did not refresh properly when adding/removing TabItems
- Worked around an issue that prevented the XmlReader from working in browsers
- Fixed an issue with the serialization of DateTime when the TimeZone was a negative 1 digit hour
- Fixed an issue where the selection did not appear correctly when ItemsControl.ItemsPanelTemplate was set (for example in ListBox)
- Fixed an issue with the "Interop.ExecuteJavaScript" method where passing a URL (or another type that overrides the "ToString" method) did not result in quotes being added to the javascript code to call.
- Temporarily disabled support for ArrayList due to outstanding issues
- Reverted the change about the WebSocket class: we recommend you to use the WebSocket Extension
Note: with the new WCF stack recently introduced, you can now remove the [XmlSerializerFormat] attribute that is located in the service class (on the server-side) (and don't forget to "update the service reference" in the CSHTML5 app) and benefit from faster application loading, faster WCF, smaller WCF-related output code, and improved compatibility.[/list]
Here is a small sample WCF project to test the new WCF stack:
We are also working on many other features and we will release them as soon as they are ready.
You may also be interested to read:
- What's new in Beta 12.5
- What's new in Beta 12.4
- What's new in Beta 12.3 (much faster compilation!)
- What's new in Beta 12.2 (15 new features and new WCF Stack)
- What's new in Beta 12.1 (DataContractSerializer)
- What's new in Beta 12.0
Notes about installation:
- Before installing this update, it is recommended that you close all the open instances of Visual Studio.
- If for some reason you need to revert to the previous Beta, simply uninstall this one (from the Control Panel) and reinstall the previous Beta.
We hope you will enjoy this build! If you find any issues, please post them on the forums or send an email to support@cshtml5.com
Thank you.