Multiple bugs

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Multiple bugs

Postby Nick » Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:59 am

First run the application without any changes, to understand UI functionality.

See image bp1.png

Review the code.

To get errors do next steps:

1) Project Binding, file, at line number 78, uncomment the block:

/* Begin Block
// Set control MenuSection2 to grid
controlBinding1 = new UCB();
Grid.SetColumn(controlBinding1, 32);
Grid.SetRow(controlBinding1, 20);
Grid.SetColumnSpan(controlBinding1, 10);
Grid.SetRowSpan(controlBinding1, 39);
//Initialize menu for MenuSection
UCBC ucbc_BC1 = new UCBC(ListHorizotal());
*/ // END Block

2) Project ControlBindingCode, file UCBC.xaml.cs, line 61,
in function (next function put a break point :!: VERY IMPORTANT :!:)

public TemplateInstance ItemsMenuContainerTemplateCode(FrameworkElement arg)
TemplateInstance templateInstance = new TemplateInstance();
StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel();
stackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
if (this.myList.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) // :!: PUT BREAK POINT HERE :!:
stackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
this.menuOrientation.Text = "Menu orientation: " + stackPanel.Orientation.ToString();
templateInstance.TemplateContent = stackPanel;
return templateInstance;
3) Run the solution ( :!: BREAK OINT MUST EXIST :!:)
4) see picture bp2.png (Errors 1,2,3 in picture very hard to describe)

5) Error 4 in code on break point function ItemsMenuContainerTemplateCode !?! try to display coontent menu from blue section
bp2.png (53.15 KiB) Viewed 10447 times
bp1.png (58.05 KiB) Viewed 10447 times
(16.08 KiB) Downloaded 709 times

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