Bugs - DateTime.Parse, undefined js objects, ToString(format), Decimal types, etc

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Bugs - DateTime.Parse, undefined js objects, ToString(format), Decimal types, etc

Postby TaterJuice » Sat Apr 07, 2018 2:28 pm

Could you please take a look at the following issues?

DateTime.Parse(string) outputs WRONG VALUE in browser - Parse() assumes all values are Universal\GMT.


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DateTime.Parse("2018-01-01"); // Returns  '12-31-2017 16:00:00' in browser!

In Simulator: Works as expected: Returns a DateTime object of '01-01-2018'
In Browser: Returns GMT Offset DateTime, ie in Pacific TimeZone it returns '12-31-2017 16:00:00'
Workaround: NONE (Must manually parse the DateTime string, or manually adjust based on current TZO) - Breaks Shared Project code!


The external method 'System.Boolean Equals(System.DateTime)' of type 'System.DateTime' has not been implemented.


Code: Select all

var today = DateTime.Now;
var isToday = today.Equals(today); // ERROR

In Simulator: Works as expected
In Browser: Returns undefined object, causes NullReferenceException in consuming code! (Console displays the above warning) - Breaks Shared Project code!
Workaround: use '=='

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var today = DateTime.Now;
var isToday = today == today;


The external method 'System.Boolean Equals(System.TimeSpan)' of type 'System.TimeSpan' has not been implemented.


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In Simulator: Works as expected
In Browser: Returns undefined object, causes NullReferenceException in consuming code! (Console displays the above warning) - Breaks Shared Project code!
Workaround: NONE (using '==' has the same effect as using Equals())


The external method 'System.String ToString(System.String)' of type 'System.DateTime' has not been implemented.


Code: Select all


In Simulator: Works as expected
In Browser: Returns undefined object, causes NullReferenceException in consuming code! (Console displays the above warning) - Breaks Shared Project code!
Workaround: Manually Format DateTime parts

Code: Select all

var now = DateTime.Now;
return String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", now.Month, now.Day, now.Year);


The external method 'System.String ToString(System.String)' of type 'System.TimeSpan' has not been implemented.


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In Simulator: Works as expected
In Browser: Returns undefined object, causes NullReferenceException in consuming code! (Console displays the above warning) - Breaks Shared Project code!
Workaround: Manually Format TimeSpan parts, or just using timeSpan.ToString(). which is the equivilant of timeSpan.ToString("c");

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var now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
var timeStr = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}.{3}", now.Hours, now.Minutes, now.Seconds, now.Milliseconds);

Multiple issues with Decimal types

Uncaught Error: No overload of .ctor can accept 5 argument(s).
at Object.JSIL.RuntimeError (JSIL.Core.js:10531)
at System_Decimal__ctor [as _ctor] (jsil://closure/System.Decimal..ctor:12)
at new System_Decimal__ctor (jsil://closure/System.Decimal._ctor:7)
at JSIL.ConstructorSignature.ConstructorSignature_Construct$5 [as Construct] (jsil://closure/ConstructorSignature.Construct$5:6)


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Decimal decimalValue = 100.0m;

In Simulator: Works as expected
Workaround: NONE - must use double or float


The external method 'System.Decimal ToDecimal(System.Object)' of type 'System.Convert' has not been implemented.


Code: Select all

double value = 10.0;
Decimal decimalValue = Convert.ToDecimal(value);

In Simulator: Works as expected
In Browser: Returns undefined object, causes NullReferenceException in consuming code! (Console displays the above warning)
Workaround: NONE - must use double or float


The method "Decimal.op_Division" is not yet supported.

Code: Select all

Decimal decimalValue = 100.0m;
var result = decimalValue / 10;

Use Cases
I am working in a Universal App using CSHTML5 and Xamarin.Forms, where all my ViewModels\Presenters, Models\Converters and Repositories are in a Shared Project that is consumed by a CSHTML5 assembly and a Xamarin.Forms assembly. These issues have caused me to move Core Business logic out of my shared project and into platform-specific projects, causing a lot of fragmentation and many rewrites just to use types that consume decimals and parse DateTimes.

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: Bugs - DateTime.Parse, undefined js objects, ToString(format), Decimal types, etc

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Mon Apr 09, 2018 1:19 am

Thanks for your message.
We have good news: we have made a PoC for a new version of CSHTML5 (v2.0) that will be fully compatible with .NET Standard so all those issues are going to be fixed soon.
We will keep you updated asap.

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Joined: Sat May 06, 2017 10:08 pm

Re: Bugs - DateTime.Parse, undefined js objects, ToString(format), Decimal types, etc

Postby wilson » Sun Jul 15, 2018 8:55 pm

Dear JS Support,
can you give any estimate (Roadmap, deadline, etc), when it will be cstml5 fully compatible with the .NET standard?

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