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TextDecorations and FontWeight Property in TextBlock-Element not working

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:32 am
by Martin Funk

I have a problem when I try to set the TextDecoration or the FontWeight property in a TextBlock-Element.
An exception with the following error message is thrown: "Unable to find a converter from "String" to "System.Nullable`1"
This occurs in the MainPage.xaml.g.cs file at line:
TextBlock_e9df5689c07d411c85135d0bb182750a.TextDecorations = (global::System.Nullable<global::Windows.UI.Text.TextDecorations>)global::DotNetForHtml5.Core.TypeFromStringConverters.ConvertFromInvariantString(typeof(global::System.Nullable<global::Windows.UI.Text.TextDecorations>), @"underline");

Also attached a screenshot from the exception:

Thanks for support!