[SOLVED] Creating Release/Production version

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[SOLVED] Creating Release/Production version

Postby lkal » Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:48 am

Hi , i just started using 2.0 veta Version of CSHTML5.
I have a problem with correctly prepare bulid version.
Even if i run my app in browser(not simulator) i have an alert from one of JS extension:
"The file open dialog is not supported in the Simulator. Please test in the browser instead."
In previous version of CSHTML5 this problem didn,t occur.
Second problem is size of genereted JS files and loading times.
Had you got similar problems?

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: Creating Release/Production version

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Mon Aug 05, 2019 7:37 am

Thanks for your message.
We are going to look into the Open Dialog extension asap.

As far as the size of generated JS files is concerned, could you please post a screenshot of your "bin/Debug/Output" directory showing the file sizes?

Did you try with the "index.min.html" which only loads the minified JS files?


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Re: Creating Release/Production version

Postby lkal » Mon Aug 05, 2019 8:01 am

Application files are realy Big 120Mb - but i dont know why .
I know thats the reason of long time loading application .

here are to screens of output folders for compare ver 1.2 and 2.0
output_screen_ver2.0.png (37.02 KiB) Viewed 19496 times
output_screen_ver1.2.png (19.4 KiB) Viewed 19496 times

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: Creating Release/Production version

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Mon Aug 05, 2019 4:38 pm

Oh I see. That's a known bug in the current version 2.x Preview where the "meta" files are huge due to the fact that resources get copied into them. We are going to fix this issue asap.
Thanks. Regards.

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Re: Creating Release/Production version

Postby fangeles » Mon Aug 05, 2019 4:58 pm

Got the same problem,

What I did to the file open dialog is I removed the condition that checks if it is running on the simulator (Temporary fix, I comment it for safety)

Code: Select all

               if (isRunningInTheSimulator) {
                        alert(""The file open dialog is not supported in the Simulator. Please test in the browser instead."");

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: Creating Release/Production version

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:39 am


We have just fixed the issue where some applications files were very big (especially the ".meta" files) when compiling with v2.0 Preview 0.5. Please expect the fix to be available in the coming days.


JS-Support @Userware
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Re: [SOLVED] Creating Release/Production version

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:19 am


The fix is now available on NuGet (please update your CSHTML5 NuGet reference to version "2.0.0-alpha43-061")


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