I'm uploading a csv file to an Azure function, which in turn puts the e.base64EncodedContent into an Azure blob and returns the URI.
I want to put that URI into a class, convert that class to JSON (working) and upload the JSON into a different Azure blob container. It doesn't upload. To be clear, the first csv file uploads, but not the subsequent JSON upload attempt.
I thought maybe I had a bug in my JSON upload Function (separate function, uses separate container), so I tried uploading the file as another supported file type (xls) Function (same container as the csv, different file extension) and again, only the first one (csv) made it.
So then I went with just two sequential csv uploads of the same file, using the exact same Function (the function creates a GUID as the filename for the blob, so it's not overwriting the same file twice, and in the first example, that was targeted at a different blob container) and I only get one uploaded csv file.
Code: Select all
mProspectOrder.sFileUri = await webClient.UploadStringTaskAsync("https://xyz.azurewebsites.net/api/UploadCsv", "POST", ms64BitEncodedFile);
mProspectOrder.sFileUri = await webClient.UploadStringTaskAsync("https://xyz.azurewebsites.net/api/UploadCsv", "POST", ms64BitEncodedFile);
where "xyz" is the actual App Service exposing the Azure Functions.
The first example (csv and json) I was using two different webclient instances. The latter, obviously, the same one.
Is there a problem on my end, or some other issue?
Side note: I have some xaml that, depending on the state of two radio buttons, collapses and hides two different stackpanels, depending on the radio button selections. In the simulator, this only works for one click of the radio buttons. Subsequent clicks do not. It works fine in the browser, but if this is something helpful to fix, I can provide the xaml.