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SizeChanged not fired

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:53 am
by joaofig
I just found out that the SizeChanged event is not fired when a Grid contained within a parent Grid is resized using a GridSplitter. The behavior I am expecting is clearly depicted on this WPF project:
(194.94 KiB) Downloaded 430 times

When the top right grid is resized, the height and width text blocks change accordingly. Unfortunately, this does not happen when the code is ported to C#/XAML for HTML5 as can be seen on the following project:
(92.64 KiB) Downloaded 420 times

No matter what I tried, I was never able to be notified of the size change. Am I missing something?

Incidentally, this situation mimics a project that I am currently working on and both right-hand grids are supposed to host Plotly.js charts using code derived from your example. Even when the layout has the autosize property set to true, the chart is never able to detect that the parent size has changed, so this hints at an issue with the HTML5/JS transcription.

Can you please provide some insight on this issue?

Best regards,
João Paulo Figueira

Re: SizeChanged not fired

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:09 am
by JS-Support @Userware

Thanks for reporting this issue and providing the projects to reproduce it.

We are going to fix it asap.
