Page Navigation by clicking on menu(Using KENDOUI menu)

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Page Navigation by clicking on menu(Using KENDOUI menu)

Postby oprakash » Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:15 am

Hi Giovanni,

I am trying to redirect on different page on menu click.
I have used Kendo UI "Menu".

I am getting the the value on menu click. Now on the basis on the value i have to redirect on respective page.
Note - In azzly i was using Fram.Navigator.

However i tried your given example on mail as below
("The best practice to handle navigation with the current version is to set the content of a <Border> element manually (for example "myBorder.Child = new Page3();"), and to handle the history manually, for example using a Stack<UIElement>. To handle URIs, it is possible to use Interop.ExecuteJavaScript("window.location.href") to get the current URI, and then read the part of the URI after the character "#" to navigate to the correct page.").

I am not able to make the above advice working first. However as per my understanding in above text, i would get first URL and then redirection will be done using window.location.href. But my issue is i am getting my menu dynamically. So it is really difficult to work with above recommended advice.

Please Let me know the best way of fulfilling my requirement.

Om Prakash

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: Page Navigation by clicking on menu(Using KENDOUI menu)

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:07 am


Thanks for your email.

In the advice, "window.location.href" is used to get the URL, not to do the redirection.

For an example of use of the "myBorder.Child = new Page3();" approach, please use the "Sample Showcase" application that is in the project templates (File => New project => C#/XAML for HTML5 => "Sample - Controls Showcas").

Please feel free to let us know if we can provide more information.


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