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how to select DataGrid CheckBox ? or another say toggle state with just 1 click ?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 12:24 pm
by Sesztak
Dear JS-Support,
We have a question:

Background / enviroment: we have a DataGrid with a DataGridCheckBoxColumn. (all the other <DataGrid.Columns> is ready only, no interactivity). As a present state: we (the user) needs 3 clicks (sic !!!) to toggle CheckBox state :
-1st click: Select a row,
-2nd click: Focus the checkbox,
-3rd click: toggle checkbox Checked/UnChecked state.

I'm sure you know what we are talking about:
instead of 1 click (to toggle checkbox state) the user have to do 3 times more .... :(

It's not about user experience..

Question: how to do that in the right way : with only 1 click to toggle checbox checked/unchecked state ???

Really thanks for your kind reply help in advance,
Best Regards,
ps: in WPF it is a nursery task, e.g.: to get cell reference with ItemContainerGenerator and set it to Focus() e.g. in datagridXYZ_SelectionChanged event, but how to do that in CSHTML5 enviroment ?