[SOLVED] "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite '1 has not been defined" error

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[SOLVED] "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite '1 has not been defined" error

Postby ThibTib » Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:55 am


as said in the subject, I get an error when calling my WCF service (which works well on the simulator).

Here is the creation of the client :

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class ServiceClientSingleton
        private static ServiceClient _client;
        static readonly object _lock = new object();

        private static ServiceClient ServiceClientSingleton()
            _client = new ServiceClient(new System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding(),
            new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(new Uri(@"http://localhost:2457/Service.svc/Service.svc")));
            return _client;

        public static ServiceClient Client()
            if (_client == null)
                lock (_lock)
                    if (_client == null)

            return _client;

-- By the way I don't know why I had to put this weird URL with /Service.svc/Service.svc to make it work.. --

Here is how I call my webMethod :

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_listOfCategories = ServiceClientSingleton.Client().GetCategories().ToList();

And finally the code of the WebMethod :

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List<Categorie> IService.GetCategories()
            List<Categorie> result = new List<Categorie>();

            foreach (CATEGORIE DBCategorie in GetCategories())
                result.Add(new Categorie { Code = DBCategorie.CATEGORIE_CODE, Libelle = DBCategorie.CATEGORIE_LIBELLE });

            return result;

private List<CATEGORIE> GetCategories()
            return Model.CATEGORIE.ToList();

CATEGORIE is in uppercase because it's a class generated by EntityFramework.

To be complete, my web.config (client):

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                <binding name="BasicHttpBinding_IService" />
            <endpoint address="http://localhost:2457/Service.svc/Service.svc"
                binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_IService"
                contract="Service.IService" name="BasicHttpBinding_IService" />

Another thing to say is when I follow the tutorial making a global.asax file and putting the code to the "beginrequest" method, I get an error and my wcf test client refuse to work. So in server side I haven't any global.asax file.

What am I making wrong ?

Thanks in advance and good job for the new beta.
Last edited by ThibTib on Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite '1 has not been defined" error

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Mon Aug 29, 2016 4:24 am


I guess you have followed the recommendations described at:

Can you please double-check that, on the server side, the [XmlSerializerFormat] is present on all the classes that have the [ServiceContract] attribute? (if not, after adding it, please be sure to update the service reference on the client).


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Re: "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite '1 has not been defined" error

Postby ThibTib » Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:03 pm

Hi and thx for you reactivity !

Yes I've put

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to my interface (I had put to my class directly, it does not work).
First step is done :)

So now I have a new problem.

I must explain to you that my WCFService returns objects which are from an other dll - an empty class library (C#/XAML for HTML5) - which is referenced in my WCFService server and in my C#/XAML for HTML5 App. But it looks like it cannot work like that, because here is my error (translated from french) :

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To be XML serializable, types that inherit from IEnumerable must have an implementation of Add ( System.Object ) ... at all levels of their inheritance hierarchy . System.Collections.Generic.HashSet2`1[[System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[[Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject, CSharpXamlForHtml5 , Version = , Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null ], [ Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty , CSharpXamlForHtml5 , Version = , Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null ]] , mscorlib , Version = 4.0. 0.0 , Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089 ]] does not implement Add ( System.Object ) .

In the tutorial, objects that are returned from the WCFService are directly declared inside the WCF project, there are no empty class library CSHTML5 used.
Do I have to declare them like that and remove my intermediate project, my dll of objects ?

thx in advance for your reply.


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Joined: Tue May 31, 2016 10:34 am

Re: "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite '1 has not been defined" error

Postby ThibTib » Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:45 am

I finally found the solution :
Do not create a separate project containing objects which are sent by the Webservice : it will force you to use a CSHTML5 dll (have to be to be referenced by your app) and it's not compatible with a WCF response flux.

You must declare classic .Net classes directly inside the WCF project and reference them in your app, via a specific namespace for example : WCFService.Entities.

I suggest the team to specify it in the tutorial.

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Re: [SOLVED] "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite '1 has not been defined" error

Postby Henrygo » Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:20 pm

Hi ThibTib

I hava the same problem,but can not understand what you provided solution.
Can you give me an example to explain exactly?
Thank you very much!

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