Current state and few other questions

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Current state and few other questions

Postby s0crates » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:52 am


In light of the new non-commercial licenses availability, I'd like to know the following to proceed with a decision:

- Is there a roadmap for 2018?
- Is there a list of currently known bugs and progress? For example, storyboard completed event not firing?
- How come WCF Calls are working (sample application) without requiring a professional license? Webclient and datagrid ask you for a license, but wcf doesn't.

These for now, I got a few more bugs to report, but those need their own topics.

JS-Support @Userware
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Re: Current state and few other questions

Postby JS-Support @Userware » Fri Jan 12, 2018 1:59 am


Is there a roadmap for 2018?

Yes, you can find the roadmap at the following URL:

It used to be more detailed in terms of short-term features, but we are now approaching the Release Candidate (expected in a few weeks), so our current short-term focus is on bug fixing, stability and performance.

In the very short term (coming days), you can also expect the Frame control (with an early implementation of the navigation system, - more features related to navigation will be released in the coming weeks), the Viewbox, major DataContractSerializer improvements, and many bug fixes.

For 2018 we will focus on performance optimization and 3rd party libraries support, on which we are actively working. We will also release a brand new Showcase Application that will be much bigger, and we will also implement a lot of new features, but those will depend on the needs of the customers, the votes on, and the companies willing to contribute financially to accelerate the development of particular features, which is something that has happened a lot in the past couple years.

Is there a list of currently known bugs and progress?

The following page lists the major limitations of the product:

We have a list of bugs internally, linked to our ticketing system, but, publicly facing there is only the "bug reports" section of these forums. Please do not hesitate to ask for the status of a particular bug fix by posting on the corresponding topic on these forums, or by creating a ticket by sending an email to

How come WCF Calls are working (sample application) without requiring a professional license? Webclient and datagrid ask you for a license, but wcf doesn't.

This was a known regression due to a new implementation of WCF introduced recently in Beta 12.x. We completely changed the internal implementation of WCF but we did not update the license verification. This issue has now been fixed in Beta 13.2.


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